Need Help FInding Two Window Balances

Hey there!
The 15-205 triple support comes to mind. This is designed to be used with the 3/8" wide Series 165. Since the spring is stamped with the number #5.0, see the S165-5 5-pound spring. Look over the specifications for these parts and see what you think.

Hi Emily. Thanks for those recommendations. They pretty much match what I thought were the right parts earlier this week. The only difference being that the coil I ordered was the S165-4 instead of the S165-5. But since the sash weighs 24 lbs, using 6 of those should work--the 3 that I ordered plus 3 that I had from the old balance.
If I have any questions about assembling and installing the balance, I'll let you know.
BTW, the instructional videos that Swisco has in its website are awesome. They really have helped me so far.
Thanks again.

I'm very happy we could help, Luis. Good luck with the repair!