Need replacement

Home Owner from Carol stream , IL
I need replacement of the part in the attached photos I need both sides for my gapco windows

Please quote a complete assembly and or parts to make a complete assembly
3 user uploaded images
8 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there!

With this combination of attachments, you could have either an S380 or S385 channel balance. You’ll need to measure as shown below. The Series 380 has a 1" bottom attachment, and the Series 385 has a 1-3/32" attachment. 

Does your metal channel have a stamp? If not, you'll need to remove and weigh your sash to choose the appropriate stamp option. There's a chart on the S380 and S385's product page that shows you which option you'll need based on the weight of your sash.

Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.
Home Owner from Carol stream , IL
It measures out close 1 - 3/32
1 user uploaded image
Emily from SWISCO

If your current bottom attachment measures 1-3/32" then you will need our S385-28 channel balance with a spring strength option of 2730. 

Home Owner from Carol stream , IL
Thank you very much for your time and I had placed an order yesterday for qty 36 of S385-28 with the 2730 option
Emily from SWISCO

It was my pleasure. Thank you so much for your business! If any future hardware questions arise just let us know, we'll be here to help!

Home Owner from Carol stream , IL
Do you carry these ?

2 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

Take a look at our 16-002 take out clip. 

If you have any further questions just let us know! 

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