Need replacement for 2 #406 coils for left side window

Home Owner from St louis Missouri
How can I order replacement parts described and photographed above?
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2 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO

Thanks for writing in! The shoe connected to your assembly appears to be an older, discontinued CertainTeed balance shoe. For this we typically recommended our 15-192 CertainTeed Pivot Shoe to replace it. Keep in mind, you may need to shave down the aligners on the shoe to get it to properly install in the channel.

Carefully review and compare the dimensions below.

detail of 15-192
detail of 15-192

This shoe is compatible with the Series 170 Coil Balance and you'd need the Series 171 Coil Balance for the top coil (this has a longer tongue for easier installation), secured to the shoe using the 33-072 Philips screw. Since both of your coils are stamped with a #406, you'll need the S170-406 and the S171-406.

There are two covers used along with this assembly, the 15-156 wide cover and the 15-185 narrow cover. You may also need the 15-157 Balance Drum.

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