Need to replace all 4 of my channel balances

Home Owner from Southern Oregon
I have two broken channel balances that need replaced. 1 broke from each sliding window (non tilt, just goes up and down), so I want to replace all four.

They are 1/2 inch wide, 14 inches long. They are stamped as follows:

13 4 ES Caldwell

Attached are some photos. Thank you!
User submitted photos of a window balance.
8 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! Before I can offer an applicable replacement for this channel balance, I just need to know a bit more information about the bottom attachment. Please take a look at our 15-004 and 15-005 channel balance shoes, and note their depths. As you can see, they are 1-3/32" deep and 1" deep, respectively. Which one more closely matches your own bottom attachment?
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us. Please see our S385-14 channel balance. Does this look like it will work for you?
Home Owner
Thank you for your help. It appears to be 1-3/32
Paul from SWISCO
Yes, I would also go with the 1340 option. Just make sure to double check your window sash weight to confirm that it's the potion you want.
Home Owner
Yes it does. I assume i get the 1340 model as my old ones are stamped 13 4?
Home Owner
Thank you. Is there any other hardware I should order at this time and replace since I have replacing both sides? Like the little clips, etc?
Tom from SWISCO
You could see if you need to replace your Take Out Clips. See our 16-002 for that. You may also want to consider replacing your Top Sash Guides if they're showing wear. Take a look at your own to see if they need to be replaced, then browse through our section to find a match.
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