Balance parts

Thank you for any guidance you can give me and I hope you have these parts. I need them for two windows.
Let me know if you need omore pictures or info.

It looks like your balance attaches to the top of the window using a balance stop like the 26-053A. Take a look and compare the dimensions below to yours. This part is commonly used with the S765 channel balance and 26-040 pivot bar.

We also have a video shown below that covers how to make a cut-out to access and replace your pivot shoes. The 15-046 would be a good place to start =depending on how the dimensions below compare to yours. Take a look and let us know if you have any other questions.


Great! Just let us know if you need anything else once the order arrives.

Thank you for your help on the other parts you suggested. They worked.

Unforutnately, we do not carry any kind of balance cover for your pivot shoe cutout but a local hardware store may be able to supply one. We apologize for the inconvenience but let us know if you have any other questions.