Please help me find my balances

Quick Learner
i have a couple of the same type of channel balance that look like the ones by the past customer, except my say 27d, and 33d and it has a balance clip attachment at the top. it has a 1 1/4 t lock balance shoe. if i order the 33d and 27d will these fit my windows. please let me know.

Here is what the other customer said:

A home owner from Southport, NC says:
March 27, 2012

I ordered a model S-795-20 (20" series 795 Channel Balance)and now need 7 more. I'm sending photographs this time so that I get the clip attached that the balance requires
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! So you have the Series 795 like the other customer? Could I maybe see a few pictures of what you have so that I can see how it's different? That will help us find a replacement for you. Thanks!
Home Owner from louisiana
see attached.
User submitted photos of a window balance.
Tom from SWISCO

Ah, I see. Does the clip at the top of your balance look like our 15-198? If so, we can definitely make these balances up for you.

First, can you confirm that your balances measure 27" long and 33" long, respectively? From there, we can get the ball rolling via custom order.

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