PlyGem Window Balancer & Shoe: several needed

26" long, 9/16" wide, 1/2" depth
shoe is amesbury side-locking t-lock @ 1.25" wide
attaches with a metal hook clip
what parts do you suggest? Thank you.

Thanks for reaching out to us! The balances you have here are the Series 795 Channel Balance with a 15-195 Closed Cam, T-Lock Shoe. Since your balance has the 15-198 Balance Clip Attachment that fits into a circular installation hole, this will need to be a custom assembly.
That being said, I'm happy to provide you with the order link for these balances but I will need to know the exact number of balances you intend to purchase.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions you might have.

Sure! I've forwarded a link with a quote for (16) of these custom Series 795 balances. You'll be able to use this link to review the quote and place the order from your cart.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions.