A few of the windows in my house have issues with opening/closing. For some, they are so difficult it's like a back-breaking workout, for at least one other the balances have just given up and dropped out. This may be two different problems, or the same issue, i.e. replace balances in all of them.
I do not know the manufacturer/make/model of these windows; if there is an easy way to determine, please let me know.
I see at top of this form where photos of parts installed and removed is requested; at the moment I just have pics of parts (balances) that have dropped out of place (attached). Since my goal is simply to identify what balances I need to get for replacements, I am hoping I don't have to go to the effort of removing balances/sashes in the three windows that are problems just to take a pic? Is there a way to identify correct spiral balance replacement for a particular window easily, i.e. by measuring length or ?
FYI, I now see the video re: identifying spiral balances, and will watch it now. Any thoughts or comments as to my original question(s) would still, of course, be welcome.