Tilt In Window Channel Balance Replacement

Handy Person from Louisville, KY

I need to replace the Tilt in Window Balances in some of my vinyl windows and have narrowed it down to the S795 32D model however, I am not sure which cam mechanism to order and I also need a hook on the end to attach the top to the window. Could someone please provide the appropriate part numbers to order? I have attached picture as well.



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4 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


I agree that your balance resembles the S795-32 (32D) except that yours uses the 15-198 hook for installation, which we can supply through a custom order. To get started, we'll need to confirm the number of balances you need, with the minimum being two. 

How to measure the length of the Series 795 channel balance.
How to measure the length of the Series 795 channel balance.

As for the t-lock shoe, it looks like your balances use the smaller 15-194 compared to the 15-195 shoes that come with these balances. You'll need to add the 15-194 shoes to your order directly from our product page and follow the video below to swap out the shoes that come with your custom order. Thank you. 

Alternate view of 15-194
Alternate view of 15-194

Alternate view of 15-194
Alternate view of 15-194

Handy Person from Louisville, KY

I will need 6 complete channel balances as a custom order based on the information in the post



Casey from SWISCO

Great! We just sent over an order link and price quote for you to review. Just keep in mind that the link does not include the 15-194 t-lock shoes, which you can add to your order directly from our product page. Take a look and let us know if you need anything else. 

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