UPVC double glazed window part

Home Owner from Australia
Apr 30, 2019 5:27 pm
The part I'm trying to identify in the picture is partially broken ... the white plastic should extend a little further upward on either side at the top of the part. The part sits in the side of the window panel and allows the window to glide up and down with ease, having a metal rod from the window sit in the visible hole of the white plastic component. Any help identifying and sourcing the part is greatly appreciated.
I believe the windows I have were manufactured either in America or Canada. The company that installed them for me has closed down.
Thanks, Jill
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13 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
May 1, 2019 11:54 am

Hi Jill. This is a Pivot Shoe. The Pivot Shoe connects with Coil Balances that sit above it inside the jamb track. The Coil Balances are spring mechanisms that enable the opening and closing of the window sash. The cam of the Pivot Shoe interacts with a Pivot Bar, the metal rod you describe that connects to the bottom of the window sash--this enables the tilting of the window. In any event, I believe we can replace this for you, but it would be best to see the pivot shoe removed from the window. The width and thickness of the shoe would also be useful. From there, we'll try and identify and replacement components you need. See the video below for removal and replacement details.

Home Owner from Australia
May 2, 2019 7:38 pm


Thanks so much for your message.

I've removed the pivot shoe and measured it. It is 1 1/4" wide and 1/2" thick. The thin pinkish bit at the back is 1/8" thick.

I'd be interested in getting a few replacement pivot shoes as I think the part may break again due to the weight of the window pane.

Thanks, Jill

image image
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Paul from SWISCO
May 3, 2019 9:48 am

Many thanks for getting back to us. We don't carry this exact pivot shoe or its coil springs, and I am honestly not sure if they are still available anywhere. However, you can replace this pivot shoe with our 15-177. Please note that the our coil springs that are compatible with the 15-177, are screwed to the pivot shoe with our 33-071 pan head screws. To know what spring weights to select, you will need to look for stamp numbers on your old coil springs. If your old springs lack stamps, or if you are uncertain, provide us the exact weight of your window sash and we will work out the spring weights you need.

Home Owner from Australia
May 9, 2019 1:37 am

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your reply.

The window pane is quite large and heavy and I'm not able to get it out of the frame to weigh it.

It has three coil springs. The top coil spring is marked with an "X". The middle spring is marked "JL87" and the bottom spring "D6".

Let me know if you need the weight of the pane and I'll arrange for someone to help me get it out of the frame.

Thanks again.


Paul from SWISCO
May 10, 2019 11:59 am

Hmm... the "X" for the top spring and "JL87" for the middle spring are confusing. The D6 would indicate to me that it has a 6 pound strength rating, which would be our S152-6. Those other stamps are just too peculiar. Without the sash weight I cannot confirm.

Home Owner from Australia
Jul 31, 2019 12:13 am
Hi Paul,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.
I have finally managed to get the window pane out of the frame and it weighs 44.5 lbs.
I hope that helps with the spring weights.

Thanks, Jill
Paul from SWISCO
Aug 5, 2019 12:49 pm

That is an extremely heavy window. Can you confirm that you are only weighing the sash(the part of the window that comes out)? 

Home Owner from Australia
Aug 5, 2019 11:07 pm
Hi Paul,

Yes, I removed the window pane and weighed it. It is 53 3/4" x 27 1/2" in size, double glazed.

I've attached a pic. It's the upper window pane.

Thanks, Jill
1 user uploaded images
Paul from SWISCO
Aug 6, 2019 2:26 pm

The problem is that we can only provide a pair of balances in this style that could, at most, hold 36 pounds. I'm afraid that's about where it peaks. Would that work for you? If so, you can consider our S152-9, which carries 9 pounds per spring. The idea is that you'd use two per side, totaling 36 pounds of support. However I think that will be too weak for that sash. It will likely droop after installation. I am sorry we cannot offer anything closer.

Home Owner from Australia
Aug 6, 2019 7:45 pm
Hi Paul,

Thanks for your message.
The window currently has three of the springs on either side. Is that possible? Or perhaps worth trying?

Thanks, Jill
Paul from SWISCO
Aug 7, 2019 8:14 am

I just had an idea. You might want to consider our S140-23 Quick-Tilt balance system. These have 23 pounds of support on each side, adding to 46 pounds of support. I think this is your best bet. However you will need to change your pivot bar to either our 26-398 or 26-405 since your old pivot bar won't fit in the new style cam.

Home Owner from Australia
Aug 8, 2019 2:24 am
Hi Paul,

I currently don't have a pivot bar on my window. Is it required for a sash window?
Are the Quick-Tilt balance system parts able to be used on a window that only slides up and down?
I'd imagine that the frames of the window would need to be different to allow it to tilt as opposed to sliding up and down only. Does that sound right?

Thanks, Jill
Paul from SWISCO
Aug 8, 2019 8:17 am

Yes, you absolutely need pivot bars. The sash has no way of connecting to the balance otherwise and it would not function.

I'm not sure I understand your second question. All balances are used on windows that go up and down. They don't work on any other kind of window. I think you're mistaking a "tilt window" for a "casement window." A tilt window is not a casement window; "tilt" only means that the sash can be tilted in to be removed and clean, which is exactly what you have.

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