find the right balance

The balance you have can be replaced with the Series 795 Channel Balance but you'll need to confirm that the length of the metal channel to be sure it is 34". The replacements will need to be a custom assembly since it has a hook attached at the top that inserts into a circular hole; we will attach the 15-198 Balance Clip Attachment.
These balances come assembled with the 15-195 1-1/4" closed cam shoe; however, you'll want to be sure to double check that your specifications match. If it measures 1", you'll also need to purchase the 15-194 shoe and swap out the shoes once you receive the replacements.
I'm happy to provide you with the order link for the balances, I'll just need to know the exact number you are looking to purchase. There is a quantity minimum of two (2).

As mentioned, there is a quantity minimum of (2) balances for custom assemblies, so I would not be able to provide you with a quote for just one balance.
I've forwarded the order link to your email to review the quote and place the order.
Please let me know if you have any other questions.