Replace handles of 1984 milgard wood casement window

Home Owner from Encinitas, ca
We need to replace our handles on 1984 wood casement milgard windows. Can you let us know what handles we need to purchase. Thanks Chris
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4 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hi, Chris.

We'd be happy to help but we'd like to see a photo of your operator with the window open so that the arms that move the sash are fully visible. Once we can identify the operator, we can determine which handles are compatible with your assembly.

Thank you! 

Home Owner from Encinitas, ca
Hi here is pictures of the window mechanism. Thanks Chris
4 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

Thank you for the additional pictures! This helps a lot. It looks like you might have our 39-254E & 39-255E or 39-027E &39-028E operators. These operators use the 39-114L crank handle and the 39-205 folding crank handle, depending on the style you prefer. Compare our dimensions to yours and see if these could be what you need.  

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