Series 140 Quick-Tilt Balance Quote

Hey there,
Thanks for writing in! Given the stamp on your coils, I suspect the Series 140 Quick-Tilt Balance assembly may not be the replacement you need. That said, I'd like to see a photo of your existing hardware, preferably remove from the window.
Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions you might have.

Thanks for the additional photos. I do understand it is difficult given the condition of the hardware; however, the photos are what we rely on to be able to recommend what you'd need to repair the windows.
From these photos, I can can confirm that the Series 140 would not be the replacement assembly you'd need. The cover you have is completely different from the cover on that assembly.
I'll need to see the existing shoe to identify the correct replacement. If there is another similar window in the home that has hardware in a little bit better condition, then I can use them to make the recommendation.
Be sure to take a look at our video tutorials, tagged below, as a reference for removing/installing this hardware.

Thanks for the additional photos. The coil shoe you have can be replaced with the 15-199 Pivot Shoe. While I am confident this will work for your repairs be sure to double check the dimensions.

The cover supporting your coils springs appears to be either the 15-204 3/8" Coil Dual Support or the 15-205 3/8" Coil Triple Support. This is compatible with the 3/8" wide Series 165 Coil Balance.
If you cannot find the additional coils, I can determine the exact coils you'll need using the exact sash weight. You'll need to obtain this by weighing the window sash on a scale.